Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Love and Entire Emotional Spectrum Essay

The main subject of Editha is war. Editha blindly and ignorantly believes in the tremendous romanticism of war and is totally oblivious to the real consequences of battle, and Howells shows his dislike in his portrayal of Editha though the plots. From the earliest of moments in the story, Editha is shown as one who has embraced the nationalistic claims of nationalism in a time of war. Editha sees war as a romantic pursuit, one in which there is no complexity. For Editha, when the nation has attached to war, there is no question of its authenticity and little room for mistrust in terms of individuals paying heed to its call But usurpt you see, dearest, she said, that it wouldnt have come to this, if it hadnt been in the bon ton of Providence? And I call any war splendiferous that is for the emission of people who have been struggling for years against the cruelest oppression. Dont you judge so too? Editha views war in terms of providential design, glorious in its notion of lib eration, and an exercise in which there can be no ambiguity.For Editha, war is an exercise of Romantic valor, something expressed to George in a letter to him in which her recognize of the adventure in war is virtually secondary to the affection of a beloved I shall always love you, and therefore I shall never marry anyone else. But the man I marry must love his country first of all, and be able-bodied to say to me, I could not love thee, dear, so much, Loved I not honor more. There is no honor above the States with me. In this great hour there is no other honor. love is something that Editha defines externally. George defines himself in a very different manner. For George, honor is internal, adhering to a desire from within.In response to Edithas zeal approximately war, George responds, But war Is it glorious to break the peace of the world? For George, the action of war is not honorable. George sees the world possessing doubt, something that he feels is present when he diffe rs from Editha. In contrast to Edithas certainty, George sees doubt and confusion. It is because of this that he is swayed to join the war effort, joining something in which he has doubt and uncertainty. It is in this point and counterpoint in which Editha and George operate. They function in relation to one another because they represent the entire emotional spectrum about love, war, and commitment.

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