Friday, May 10, 2019

Roman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Roman Empire - Essay ExampleAt the same time, there was high inflation at the empire, and its economy was deteriorating. The state was under constant threats of unsuccessful person because its inhabitants resisted sharing the empires wealth. Large amounts of gold were sent to the orient to cater for luxury goods that guide to a decline on the gold available to make coins. Its currency devalued, and people had to return bartering ashes of trade (IHA).The empire also had heavy military spending. Its constant wars saw the army overstretched, and it started recruiting the conquered barbarians and other opposed mercenaries. The barbarians later joined up with outside forces to agitate the empire. At one time, the Roman soldiers were moved to fight in Italy civil wars leaving their borders with little resistance to German mercenaries (IHA).The period ranged approximately 80 BC to 20 AD. During this period, the Latin Language was perfected as a literary medium. Some of the main and ma juscule Latin masterpieces were composed during this period. In it, the Ciceronian Period lasted from 70 BC to 42 BC, and was dominated by Marcus Tullius Cicero. The assist was amidst 43 BC and 20 AD named as the Augustan Age. It featured writers such as Livy, Horace, and Virgil (Spielvogel, 152).The period ran from 500 BC to 330 BC. It was a great age for arts and literature. Some of the notable figures in this period were Greek dramatists such as Aristophanes and Euripides. They were also influential poets such as Ovid and Horace (Spielvogel, 89-100).The period was between 800 BC and 500 BC. Literature from this period includes earliest texts that have preserved as manuscripts. The period marked immaturity both in language and art. Poetry dominated the period with notable figures such as Pacuvius, Ennius, and Accius. Literature also drew from the traditions of other communities cultures such as Greece (Spielvogel, 67-79).Roman architecture was inspired by

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